Did You Know Not All Horses Are Created Equally?

Have you ever wondered why some horses are prone to colic, while others seem to have a steel gut? Like humans, every horse is different. This is especially true when discussing the horse’s microbiome. Merriam Webster defines microbiome as, “a community of microorganisms that inhabit a particular environment, especially in or on the body.” In […]

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Focus, Health and Hard Work Help a Cowgirl Reach the NFR

When you set a goal, focus on that goal and work hard while taking care of yourself and your team, that goal is attainable. Just ask the Weatherford, Okla., professional cowgirl Emily Miller who qualified for her first ever National Finals Rodeo this year. Miller, who has always made both her horses’ health and her […]

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The Difference Between a Prebiotic and a Probiotic

Gut health is a key player in many aspects of your horse’s health. Not only is it responsible for digesting feed and absorbing the nutrients required to keep the horse functioning properly, but it is also responsible for keeping bad stuff that may be ingested out of the body, and houses almost 3/4 of the horse’s […]

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Part Three: Hillary Irwin, Yogi Successfully Compete at Thoroughbred Makeover

With a sense of pride and accomplishment, professional horse trainer and rider Hillary Irwin recently competed in her second Thoroughbred Makeover as part of the Retired Racehorse Project. She and her 4-year-old bay gelding, affectionately known around the stable as “Yogi” traveled from their home in Ocala, Fla., to Lexington, Ky., the first full week […]

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