gastric ulcers in horses

Be Proactive in Preventing Gastric Ulcers in Horses

Gastric Ulcers in Horses When Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” people hadn’t even discovered gastric ulcers in horses. However, many horse owners now hear the term gastric ulcers more than we want to.  Gastric ulcers are caused by the erosion of the stomach lining due to prolonged […]

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symptoms of gastric ulcers in horses

Symptoms of Gastric Ulcers in Horses  

“Nausea, heartburn, diarrhea. . .” The classic jingle for an antacid reminds us that stomach discomfort is never enjoyable. Imagine what it is like for a horse that cannot tell us when their stomach is upset.  When your horse’s stomach is free of disease and discomfort, it has achieved gastric health, and that is the […]

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horse energy supplement

Should You Be Using a Horse Energy Supplement? Vitalize® Can Help 

Horse Energy Supplement Most horses are high-energy animals. Despite that, we rarely think of them as requiring more energy than they are getting in a ration. But that’s an incomplete picture of their needs. There are frequent periods when your horse needs more support than a traditional ration can provide. Maybe they’re battling high temperatures […]

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when is it too hot to ride a horse

When is it Too Hot to Ride a Horse? 

Determining when it’s too hot to ride a horse depends on several factors, including temperature, humidity, the horse’s fitness level and the intensity and duration of the ride. Much like us, horses are susceptible to heat stress. Riding in excessively hot and humid conditions can pose health risks to both the horse and the rider.   […]

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