Not All Protein is Created Equal

Did you know “protein” is derived from the Greek word “proteos”, meaning of first or most importance? In fact, nearly 15% of a horse’s body weight is made up of protein. Protein provides amino acids, which are essential to developing healthy muscles, hooves, skin, coat, and mane and tail. While there are many protein sources […]

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What’s all the hype about NSC?

You may have heard about NSC, but what’s the big deal? NSC stands for non-structural carbohydrates and refers to the sugars and starches found in feeds. While performance horses may require a certain level of NSC to meet their energy needs, feeding high levels of NSC can have unfavorable effects, especially for horses with metabolic […]

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Vitalize Rider Keeps Health a Top Priority

Professional cowgirl Emily Miller understands that to be successful in the sport of barrel racing, her horses’ health is a top priority. That is one reason she started feeding the Vitalize® High Performance pellets this spring. “Look at your horse’s health and well-being, that is a game changer,” Miller said. “You’ve got to prioritize that if […]

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