Summer Heat Stress in Horses

Summer heat has arrived. The increasing temperatures not only make working outside uncomfortable for us, but they also have a major impact on our horses and their overall performance. Negative responses to heat stress include going off feed, decreased fertility and overall poor performance. Some have hypothesized that it is not just the extent of […]

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Nutrition Impacts How Fast a Foal Grows

The nutritional start a foal gets can have a profound effect on its health and soundness for the rest of its life. As the foal’s dietary requirements shift from milk to feed and forage, your role in providing adequate nutrition is vital. According to the National Research Council (NRC), at three months of age a […]

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Naturally, Natural is Best

Every horse is naturally equipped with a unique personality. Some horses are lean, mean athletes thriving off of intense exercise and competition. Others are content, easy-keepers living out their days making our pastures prettier. However, most fall somewhere in between. In any case, one thing all horses have in common is a specifically designed digestive […]

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Feeding the Soon to be New Mom

One of the best ways to get a foal off to a good start is to make certain the broodmare is receiving proper nutrition to maintain her body condition and support fetal growth during the last third of gestation. The requirements for energy, protein, lysine, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and vitamins all increase when comparing […]

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