Nutrition and Gut Health: Going Beyond Digestion

Provided for Carolina Equestrian Magazine by BioZyme®, Inc Lynsey Whitacre, PhD “All disease begins in the gut.” Hippocrates, the famous historical Greek physician, is known for this short and sweet quote. Is something thought to be so precise over 2,000 years ago still relevant today? And what exactly is gut health? Gut health refers to […]

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5 Things You Need to Know to Avoid Winter Colic

Winter is right around the corner, which only means a few things for horse owners: indoor lessons, blanketing, hand warmers, and colic. Colic is known to be more frequent in the winter months primarily because of a decrease in water intake from our animals. Horses usually drink nearly 5-12 gallons of water per day. However, […]

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How Vitalize® Alimend® is Different From other Gastric Health Solutions

It has become a well-known fact that a large majority of performance horses suffer from gastric ulcers. Weight loss. Irritability. Poor performance. Loss of appetite. Grumpiness. Unthriftiness. These are all key signs that your horse could be suffering from gastric health problems. There are many gastric health aids on the market in today’s industry. So, […]

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How to Blanket Your Horse: The Layers Explained

While you may be shivering in the barn aisle once the temperature drops below 50 degrees, horses are much more well adapted to the cold weather. As the days grow shorter, the horse responds to the diminishing sunlight by growing long hair all over the body. When it is very cold, these hairs stand up […]

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