Before the rooster crows, you and your horses are already loaded up and on the road to your next event. Competition brings joy, excitement and butterflies to our stomachs, so imagine how your horse could be feeling? You guessed it, traveling and competing can bring great stress to our four-legged friends, but they will often […]
Preventing Digestive Issues in Horses in Times of Stress
Colic is a wide-ranging term that describes any equine stomach pain or upset and is a major cause of concern for most horse owners. Colic can be caused by an abrupt change in diet, lack of exercise, change in weather or any change in environment or activity. With the cold weather that has settled over […]
How to Know the Quality of Your Hay
You walk into the barn, the horses nicker in excitement to see you and also with anticipation to get their breakfast. When prepping their feed, it is easy to determine what nutrients are found in each grain since these feeds come with a guaranteed analysis. But what about the hay? It can be difficult to […]
How Antibiotics Impact the Gut Microbes
Gut Microbiota: it is all the rage right now in the equine industry. But what does it mean? The equine digestive system holds billions of tiny, living organisms that play a role in how your horse digests and processes food, and also in the onset of challenges like colic, laminitis or weight loss. (To learn […]