Loose Mineral for Horses Offers Benefits 

loose mineral for horses

Horses play many different roles for different people. For professional athletes, they are a partner, helping to live out a dream and secure a living. For others, they are a mode of transportation, a way to reach every corner of a ranch in big country. And for the little nonverbal child, they are therapy—the one being she can communicate with each week. Her horse hears her heart, not her voice.  

Regardless of how we use horses, it is our job to take care of them to the best of our abilities. That’s why the Vitalize® team has created a line of supplements for horses with proven solutions to keep your animal healthy and performing. We also want to help inform you about the advantages of loose mineral for horses.

The Value of Loose Mineral for Horses

Yes, we know you have choices when it comes to minerals—loose, pelleted, tubs or blocks. However, here are some key benefits of loose mineral for horses. 

Better Absorption & Bioavailability 

Loose minerals are more easily consumed and absorbed by horses compared to compressed mineral blocks. Blocks require horses to lick or bite them, which limits intake. Licking a mineral block can be difficult and time-consuming for horses, especially if they have dental issues. Loose mineral allow for free access and consistent ingestion, leading to better absorption of nutrients. 

Encourages Optimal Consumption 

Horses may not consume enough minerals from blocks due to the physical effort required to lick or chew them. With loose minerals, horses can consume the amount they need without the limitation of having to work at a block. This is especially beneficial for horses with specific nutrient deficiencies. 

Customizable Formulations & Easier to Mix 

You can tailor loose mineral for horses to meet specific nutritional needs based on factors like the horse’s age, activity level or geographic mineral deficiencies in the soil. This is harder to achieve with premade blocks or pellets, which have fixed formulations. 

Furthermore, loose mineral can be easily mixed with grain or forage-based feeds, making it simple to ensure your horse is getting their required intake. This flexibility is helpful for managing the diets of horses with different needs. 

Better for Herds 

In herd settings, dominant horses may prevent others from accessing mineral blocks, even when spreading out multiple blocks. Loose mineral, when provided in multiple feeding locations, allow for more equal access, reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies in more submissive or shy horses. 

Minimizes Risk of Overconsumption 

Horses typically self-regulate their mineral intake when provided with loose mineral, consuming what their body needs. While it is still possible for some horses to overconsume, it’s generally less of a concern than blocks, which may lead to licking out of boredom. 

More Hygienic 

Mineral blocks, especially in outdoor environments, can become tainted with dirt, debris or even urine. Loose minerals stored in a clean, dry feeder are less likely to become soiled, making them a more hygienic option for horses. 


Although loose mineral might initially seem more expensive than mineral blocks, loose mineral for horses usually lasts longer. Horses consume what they need, reducing waste compared to the sporadically or excessively licking blocks. 

Overall, providing loose minerals offers more precise control over your horse’s nutritional intake, ensures better access and absorption and supports healthier feeding practices.  

Vitalize Offers Loose Mineral for Horses 

Because we know the value of loose mineral for horses, Vitalize makes a loose mineral. Vitalize® Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, formerly known as Vitalize Equine Free Choice, is a highly fortified, loose vitamin and mineral supplement designed to support nutritional and digestive health. 

Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement  

  • Balances forage-based or non-fortified diets using a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and industry-leading organic trace minerals. 
  • Improves your horse’s bloom, giving them a healthy, shiny coat and supporting optimal body condition. 
  • Safeguards the hindgut with AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. 

With industry-leading organic trace minerals, Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is the same trusted mineral that horse lovers everywhere have used for years. However, equine enthusiasts now have the choice to offer it free-choice or top-dress it on their feed, like so many were already doing, eliminating the confusion of the name. 

In addition to a name change, the Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is now packaged in a poly bag with a new design.  

“With a new name and an upgrade to also contain organic trace minerals, we knew it was time to refresh the look of the packaging,” said Hayley Keck, Senior Brand Manager – Vitalize. “It was also time to update the name since many users asked if they had to feed the supplement as a free-choice product. The choice is yours. We just encourage you to feed the Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement so your horse gets the good gut feeling it deserves.”  

 Vitalize Puts your Horse’s Diet First 

The Vitalize team is made up of horse lovers. That’s why making safe, accurate products is our number one priority. That’s why our research-proven products prioritize a low NSC content.  

“We know how important it is to our customers to make sure their horses get the best nutrition possible, and that includes products that are lower in starch and sugar content. You can feel good about feeding products from Vitalize. They are low in NSC, backed by science and contain our research-proven prebiotic so your horse will feel its best,” Keck said. 

All four of our nutritional products contain less than the recommended maximum 20% of NSC, including the Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement. 

Get your Vitalize Today 

Would you like to give your horse the #goodgutfeeling it deserves? You can! All of our products are available online.  

Do you prefer to shop in person and support your local feed store? You can do that, too. Discover where to buy our products.  

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