Vitalize Equine Recovery Gel



NEW Consistency, SAME Good Gut Feeling!

Vitalize Equine Recovery


  • Supports digestive health during times of stress such as high performance, hauling, antibiotic treatment, worming, vaccinations, surgery, sickness or digestive upset such as diarrhea or the beginnings of colic.
  • Amaferm® keeps the gut efficient, balanced and comfortable and maintains intake of feed and water.
  • MOS traps and expels pathogens, limiting their ability to do harm.
  • Electrolytes help them recover from rigorous performance, traveling or heat stress.
  • Same ingredient profile with added carrot powder for palatability and color

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Key Benefits


  • Rapidly relieves digestive upset
  • Helps prevent colic


  • Increases feed and water intake
  • Helps horses recover from stress


  • Boosts immune system
  • Replenishes gut's microbiome to a balanced state



When To Use


Hauling/change in enviorment


High performance


Colic, diarrhea, off feed or water


Antibiotic treatment, post-surgery, vaccinations, worming



How To Use

Administer one 30 mL tube during any stressful time or after digestive upset occurs for up to two times daily.




What Our Customers Are Saying

I’ve had great success with new horses coming in off the track while using the gel instead of a traditional ulcer paste. It has always increased appetite and body condition with three to four days of starting usage.

Hillary Irwin Hillary Irwin, Advanced Level Eventer and Trainer




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Our products are also available through these online retailers.

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Valley Vet
Farm Vet
Cogent Solutions Group
Cogent Solutions Group
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Colic Awareness: Preventing Colic Part 5

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Emergency Steps to Take if Your Horse is Colicking

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Transporting your Horses the Low-Stress Way

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Stress-Induced Digestive Upset Associated with Microbial Imbalance

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How Antibiotics Impact the Gut Microbes

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