Avoiding Anhidrosis in your Performance Horse

As summer rolls on, temperatures are heating up around the country. Envision yourself riding with a friend on a hot day. After working awhile, her horse has formed a thick foam under the reins, saddle pad, between its hind legs and is dripping from its belly. Your horse, on the other hand, is mostly dry.  […]

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How to Overcome Summer Heat on the Ranch and on the Road

Summer vacation isn’t a term that ranch cowboys are familiar with. Just because the temperatures soar doesn’t mean the work comes to a halt. However, some of the most reliable workers, horses, need to have the best care possible to make sure they stay healthy. Shaun Strickland, managing partner at Poison Spider Cattle Co., offers […]

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How to Prevent Excessive Heat Stress in Your Horse

Horses have a natural ability to handle extreme temperatures much hotter than humans can withstand. This is important to remember; however, it is also important to consider the upper and lower limits of their comfort zone. Also known as the thermoneutral zone, a horse’s “comfort zone” is generally between 40 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Inside […]

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