Four Tips Before Your Trip

Did you know the #1 way to induce ulcers in horses for clinical trials is putting them on a trailer and driving them around?   The bumpy roads, strange environments and routine changes that come with hauling only mean one thing for horses: STRESS! Whether you are going across the pond—like Team Vitalize®’s 2020 Olympic Silver Medalist Laura Kraut and […]

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Focus, Health and Hard Work Help a Cowgirl Reach the NFR

When you set a goal, focus on that goal and work hard while taking care of yourself and your team, that goal is attainable. Just ask the Weatherford, Okla., professional cowgirl Emily Miller who qualified for her first ever National Finals Rodeo this year. Miller, who has always made both her horses’ health and her […]

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New Gel Offers Same Good Gut Feeling

When having “a good gut feeling” is a top priority for your equine companion, BioZyme® Inc., makers of Vitalize® realizes that means having easy-to-use products that the horse enjoys. That’s why BioZyme is excited to share about the release of its improved gel product. The Vitalize Equine Recovery Paste product, a 3-in-1 formula to get […]

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How to Overcome Summer Heat on the Ranch and on the Road

Summer vacation isn’t a term that ranch cowboys are familiar with. Just because the temperatures soar doesn’t mean the work comes to a halt. However, some of the most reliable workers, horses, need to have the best care possible to make sure they stay healthy. Shaun Strickland, managing partner at Poison Spider Cattle Co., offers […]

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