When to Blanket Your Horse

While you may be shivering in the barn aisle once the temperature drops below 50 degrees, horses are much more well adapted to the cold weather. As the days grow shorter, the horse responds to the diminishing sunlight by growing long hair all over the body. When it is very cold, these hairs stand up […]

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Q & A with Denise and Bruce Colclasure

Q & A with Denise and Bruce Colclasure – Amaferm Believers How did you first learn about AMAFERM and when did you first start to use it? Over 20 years ago I was having trouble with my horses and their nutrition program and that particular day I had a mare tied out and an older […]

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Feeding and Caring for Older Horses

By: Lisa Norton, BioZyme Vice President of Marketing and Sales More horses than ever are living into their 30s, thanks to a commitment from owners to provide their beloved companions with a happy and healthy retirement. However, exactly when a horse should be considered “old” varies. The kind of life a horse has led and […]

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Amaferm & High Altitude: Keeping Your Horse at Peak Performance

Regardless of their fitness level, many horses may not perform the same at high altitudes as they would at sea level. Although it seems to effect horses somewhat less than humans, altitude begins to take its toll on horses above 5,000 feet and is prominent above 7,000 feet. At high altitude the air pressure is […]

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