Inflammation: A Double-Edged Sword

Inflammation is one of biology’s most common double-edged swords, having both favorable and unfavorable consequences. It is one of the first signs that the body’s immune system is being called into action and is characterized as pain, redness, heat, and swelling. Inflammation is a natural response to tissue injury, which may be caused by physical […]

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5 Things I Wish My Young Self Knew

Recently, we asked our social media followers, “If you could go back and give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?” We loved the comments and feedback we received, and much of the advice given can be applied whether you are a young rider or someone with years of experience. Here […]

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Care of Elderly Horses

by Lisa Norton, BioZyme Vice President A much-loved, aging horse is something none of us really like to think about. As the owner of a 25-year-old Hanoverian that at one time took my daughter to third in the nation, and the Vice President for an animal nutrition company, I think about whether I am doing […]

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How and Why to Deworm Your Horse

Because horses are grazers and because domesticated horses live in much more confined spaces than their wild counterparts, they are very rarely parasite free. Eggs from parasitic worms are deposited on the ground in pastures or paddocks through the feces. The eggs then hatch and larvae develop and grow in the pasture. Larvae are consumed […]

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