Avoiding Anhidrosis

As summer rolls on, temperatures are heating up around the country. Envision yourself out riding with a friend on a hot day. After working awhile, her horse has formed a thick foam under the reins, saddle pad, between his hind legs, and is dripping from his belly. Your horse, on the other hand, is mostly […]

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Fast Facts About Fireworks for the Anxious Animals

Fireworks! While they are enjoyable for us humans, they can be an enormous stressor for our animals. According to the American Humane Association, July 5th is the most active day of the year for animal shelters. Without proper prevention, dogs can end up in a state of panic causing them to get lost, injured, or […]

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Healthy Horses Housed Outside

As the seasons begin to transition and day-time temperatures start to gradually get colder, it seems normal to keep horses stalled inside to keep them more comfortable. However, horses are naturally-born grazers, so it is important for numerous reasons to keep them outside as much as possible, even if we think it is better for […]

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Wound Care for Your Horse

Whether you ride for pleasure, sport or work, chances are your horse will experience a leg wound sooner rather than later. Knowing how to care for and treat that wound with is key to keeping your horse healthy and performing its best. Perhaps the most important consideration before bandaging a wound is making sure that […]

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