A happy horse is a horse that’s going to perform and if they are not 100%, they can’t do their job. In a competition like professional barrel racing, you must have your horses at their best all the time. If you don’t have your horse at its best, somebody else does. Being reassured that my horses have that Vitalize® supplement and they are feeling good, is one less thing for me to worry about. If they aren’t feeling good, and time comes down to a one-hundredth of a second, everything counts. So, you have got to have them tip-top and ready to go.
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What is the Best Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for Horses?
Everyone likes choices. That is surely evident if you are an equine enthusiast who has been down the aisle of any feed or farm store lately. Or should we say aisles? When it comes to choices for our horses, there are MANY choices. Supplement after supplement line the shelves, which can leave you in […]
How to Prevent Stiff Joints in Horses
Our equine companions offer us so much, and they couldn’t do what they do without their long, majestic, muscular legs. Those legs are powerful, and they function with the assistance of well-lubricated joints. To keep them working like they should, it’s our job to help prevent stiff joints in horses. Preventing stiff joints in horses […]