There has always been a common myth that when the weather changes, the instances of colic in the barn increase. But is this true? Can a simple change in temperature, barometric pressure or location affect your horse’s health? A recent study says it may. The study, conducted at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017, stated there […]
Tag: How to
The Impacts of Weather on Your Horse’s Digestion
There has always been a common myth that when the weather changes, the instances of colic in the barn increase. But is this true? Can a simple change in temperature, barometric pressure or location affect your horse’s health? A recent study says it may. The study, conducted at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017, stated there […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome in Horses
Nearly 70% of an animal’s immune cells live in the gut. It is no wonder why when the horse’s gastrointestinal tract is compromised, equine health is as well. Let’s dig a bit deeper into one problem that causes a chain reaction of bad events in horses: Leaky Gut Syndrome. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)? […]
The Best Workouts for the Equestrian Athlete
We’ve all had our non-horse friends tell us at one time or another that, “the horse does all the work… you just sit there.” Well, wouldn’t that be nice! Unfortunately for equine enthusiasts, we know that it takes more effort than meets the eye to get the job done on horseback. The rider’s body has […]