equine mineral supplement

Vitalize® Has the Right Equine Mineral Supplement for You

Everywhere you look, there are choices. And don’t we as humans appreciate our choices?! We have a choice each morning of what to wear to work or school. There’s a choice of 31 flavors at our favorite ice cream store. We even have choices of unlimited television programming most evenings. Sometimes too many choices aren’t […]

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BioZyme® Equine and K9 Products Now Feature the NASC Quality Seal

BioZyme® Incorporated and Cogent Solutions Group, a BioZyme company, have proudly joined the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) and will now carry the NASC Quality Seal on products specifically designed for the equine and companion animal markets.  With the explosion of the companion animal supplement market in recent years, the NASC was developed to help […]

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