We know that with a change in routine, the microbiota of the equine gut will change as well, causing a shift that can sometimes lead to colic. Often, we recognize those “changes” as a long haul in the trailer, a hard day of competition or the wrong feed being given to your horse. While these […]
Tag: Colic
Leaky Gut Syndrome in Horses
Nearly 70% of an animal’s immune cells live in the gut. It is no wonder why when the horse’s gastrointestinal tract is compromised, equine health is as well. Let’s dig a bit deeper into one problem that causes a chain reaction of bad events in horses: Leaky Gut Syndrome. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)? […]
Did You Know Not All Horses Are Created Equally?
Have you ever wondered why some horses are prone to colic, while others seem to have a steel gut? Like humans, every horse is different. This is especially true when discussing the horse’s microbiome. Merriam Webster defines microbiome as, “a community of microorganisms that inhabit a particular environment, especially in or on the body.” In […]
The Triple Threat Behind Vitalize Alimend
Gastric health is all the rage in the world of equine nutrition today. Why is everyone so obsessed with this niche segment? Because nearly 90% of all performance horses suffer from gastric ulcers. When good management practices just don’t work, you need a gastric health supplement to keep your horse’s stomach healthy and protected. Most gastric […]